Invited by the TRIBUTE project, our coordinator Sven Maerivoet presented nuMIDAS on Thursday 28 July 2022 at the 4th Steering Committee Meeting & 1st TRIBUTE Transnational Stakeholder Network Meeting. The workshop was held in Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, with several attendees, including the nuMIDAS presentation, virtually participating. The audience consisted not only of TRIBUTE’s project partners, but also of various city representatives as stakeholders. During our presentation, we talked about nuMIDAS’s main objectives and pilot cities, and how we scoped and selected our use cases. We then explained two use cases in more detail, i.e. the planning of shared mobility and the planning for parking. After explaining how the toolkit was created in a software environment, we provided a view on how the current use cases were implemented. After the presentation, there was an exchange of contact information in order to be able to setup possible future collaborations.